Here are some of my instant armies made up from my 15mm figures.
Horde Orcs
A mix of figures from various makers including Tabletop Games, Jacobite, Tin Soldier and Warrior.
Warband General x1 @2 = 2AP;
Black Orc Hordes x4 @1 = 4AP;
Black Orc Bows x2 @2 = 4AP;
Hobgoblin Hordes x4 @1 = 4AP;
Rocktroll Behemoth x1 @4 = 4AP;
Wolf Rider Cavalry x3 @2 = 6AP.
Hobgoblin Hordes, these are Citadel 25mm Snotlings re-based for 15mm.
Warband General x1 @2 = 2AP;
Black Orc Spears x4 @2 = 8AP;
Black Orc Bows x2 @2 = 4AP;
Rocktroll Behemoth x1 @4 = 4AP;
Wolf Rider Cavalry x3 @2 = 6AP.
The Rocktroll. This is a resin model that came as part of a set of elementals.
Chariot General (Knight) x1 @2 = 2AP;
Wolf Chariots (Knights) x2 @2 = 4AP;
Wolf Riders Cavalry x6 @2 = 12AP;
Great Goblin Spears x2 @2 = 4AP;
Great Goblin warband x1 @2 = 2AP;
Goblin Wolf Chariots from Tin Soldier.
Wolf Riders. Mixed and matched from various sources.
I bought this little army ready painted and based. I think that they are Pendrakken 10mm figures.
They work mix nicely as 15mm.
Joolius Cheezer Hero (or Magician) General x1 @4 = 4AP;
Ratona Stick (Spears) x2 @2 = 4AP;
Ratus Ratus Warriors (Warband) x6 @2 = 12AP;
Mad Bombers (Shooters) x2 @2 = 4AP; or
Mad Bombers (Artillery) x1 @3 = 3AP; +
Rats Ass-Assassins (Lurkers) x1 @1 = 1AP.

Joolius Cheezer, Ratman Hero (or Magician) with his backing band, spears and mad bombers.
Orthodox Dwarves
This is a traditional Dwarven army of massed hand weapons, hammers, axes. I think that thee are Peter Pig figures, They were bought ready painted and based.
The Low King Hero General x1 @4 = 4AP;
Dwarf Warriors (Blades) x8 @2 = 16AP;
Crossbows (Shooters) x2 @2 = 4AP;
The Low King and bearded loons in chain mail undies.
New Reformed Dwarves
Much the same figures as above but a very different army.
Iron Master (Blades General) x1 @2 = 2AP;
Dwarf Warriors (Blades) x4 @2 = 8AP;
Dwarf Spears x2 @2 = 4AP;
Dwarf Crossbows (Shooters) x2 @2 = 4AP;
Engineer (Cleric) x1 @3 = 3AP;
War Engine (Artillery) x1 @3 = 3AP;
Eastern Empire
These are my Fantasy Byzantines, A heavy Cavalry biased army.
Knight General x1 @2 = 2AP;
Iron Dragons Cataphracts (Knights) x2 @2 = 4AP;
Red Griffons Heavy Cavalry (Riders) x3 @2 = 6AP;
Petcheneg Light Cavalry (Riders) x2 @2 = 4AP;
Empire Levy (Shooters) x4 @2 = 8AP;
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