Showing posts with label Fantasy Rules!. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fantasy Rules!. Show all posts

Thursday, 25 October 2018

A year of Hordes - Further notes

Since I posted our results table, I have come across a few more diary entries:

20 November 2017
Honest Orcs
Dwarves win

So far the Dwarves remain unbeaten, but the Honest Orcs acquitted themselves well and the latest game was a darn close run thing!

15th January 2018
Savage Orcs
Savage Orcs win

Once again the Savage Orc Hordes outperformed all expectation, their Ballista unleashed Hell and their Trolls stomped across the battlefield causing mayhem.
The plucky Rats got mangled due to a series of lousy dice rolls. At least that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

19th February 2018
Eastern Empire
Savage Orcs
Two games, one win each

We played two games of Hordes of the Things last night at Stronghold. Kev's Savage Orcs won the first battle when my Empire general rashly tried to tackle the trolls on his own. As that game finished rather quicker than expected we had a rematch.
The Empire re-organised and put their strong cavalry front and centre with the infantry (bows supported by spears) on either flank.
The Empire infantry managed to hold off the Orc's Trolls and Bats while the Empire cavalry rolled over the Orc Shooters in their centre.

23rd July 2018
Honest Orcs ?
Savage Orcs
Savage Orcs Win

Richard joined us, he borrowed Kev's Savage Orcs and trounced me and my army.

17th SeptemberSteppe 'N Wolf goblinsMedievalDraw ?

Kev's first outing with his new Medieval army. Hero General, Cleric, Artillery, Knights and Blades. They look superb.

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Armies from the attic - Fantasy Rules!

Years ago when I last played tabletop wargames, one of my favourite systems was Chipco's Fantasy Rules. This is a very versatile rules set that allow players to create and customise their own armies from a range of different units and characters. I have three armies that got regular games, the Honest Orcs even got a couple of away matches and did pretty well in competition.
I got them out of the attic and set them up at the games club for a photo session. They seem to have survived fairly well but the bases could do with some refurbishment.

Here are the infamous Honest Orcs assembled en-masse.

1000pt FR!2

Orc General with Taunt and Army Standard;
1x Wizard L2 in Heavy Chariot
6x Black Orc Spears with Bowfire;
4x Hobgoblin hand weapons;
2x Elite Ogre (Strong but Stupid) hand weapons;
6x Goblin Wolf-riders Light Cavalry;
2x Traps, deploy to impede movement;

Wizard Prang in his Heavy Chariot of DOOM;

Two traps: These were both made by Tom Pope.

Great Grey Green Greasy Limpopo Lizardman army.
This is a mob heavy army. FR! allows armies to mass some units into larger juggernauts. These move and fight as a single formation.
The Lizardmen have two 2x3 mob Juggernauts as their core formation giving them a very solid centre.

Lizard general with Army Standard;
Lizardman Hero;
Lizard Wizard Shaman (Druid L2);
Two 2x3 Mob Juggernauts;
4x Skirmishers (attached to the Juggernauts);
6x Lizardmen Handweapons;
2x Dinosaur Riders (Small Monsters);
4x Lizardmen Heavy Cavalry;

Mob Juggernauts + attached bows and characters:

The Eastern Empire.

This army has a heavy cavalry bias backed up by strong infantry, artillery and shooters.

General with army Standard;
Cleric with Holy Hand Grenade (one use only);
4x Iron Dragons Heavy Cataphract Lancers (Knights);
3x Red Griffons  Heavy Cavalry;
3x Petcheneg Light Cavalry;
4x Varangian Dwarves, Hand Weapons Heavy armour;
4x Skirmishers;
1x Heavy Artillery;

The Varangian Dwarven Guard + their mighty bolt lobber:

Light Cavalry and Skirmishers:

These figures are all based on 40mm frontage so I can use them for Hordes of the Things too.

Friday, 5 June 2015

Gathering my armies

Scrabbling around in the attic last night, I found my 15mm Fantasy armies (there was a minor panic when I couldn't find the lizardmen). Also a Ratman army I'd forgotten about including their heroic general 'Joolius Cheezer'. I have the figures for at least three Fantasy Rules! 1000pt armies and loads of Hordes of the Things HoTT armies. 
They need some reorganising and some of the bases would benefit from a bit of flock. 
There were also my 6mm Orc armies for HoTT and most of my SF mico-tank armies. The OGRE MKIII is still MIA, (should I be worried ?)
And my WW2 micro tanks 
and my spaceships 
and my 15mm SF Lizardmen, Aliens and Stormtroopers.Now I need players...